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Our values

United Church faith communities welcome people from all backgrounds —wherever you are in your faith journey.

“In grateful response to the Creator’s abundant love, we bear in mind our integral connection to the earth and one another; we participate in the Creator’s work of healing and mending creation.” (A Song of Faith, adapted)

Our spirit/

God’s spirit

A community of followers

Our faith in action

We are asked to give of our selves:

our time, our resources

for the healing of our world

Social Justice

Following the example of Jesus, we believe that we strengthen one another to work,

through God's grace, for a better world.


Giving, Generosity, and Gratitude

We sing of God’s good news lived shared for the good  of all  (A Song of Faith)                                                                                                       

God’s endless generosity to us encourages our own response to contribute in many ways

to God’s mission in God’s world



Renewing our lives/

Renewing the world

In our world today we witness brokenness in many areas. God works in nature to heal and restore what has been destroyed. Over time new seedlings grow up, damaged trees recover, the earth’s soil becomes richer. God can also work in our lives, repairing and renewing all that is broken in our relationships, our families and our society. It is our vision and our hope. As a community of followers we want to become co-creators of a better world!

As followers of Jesus today, our community is discovering what it means to love God and our neighbor in authentic and communal life.  As has every generation before us, we are called to adapt our faith and our practices to our times, in order to participate in the mission of Jesus to :

-  feed the hungry

-  comfort the sick

-  challenge the self-righteous

-  defend the voiceless

It is not always easy to be a follower of Jesus. We may have doubts, questions, disappointments and personal hardships along the way. We lead imperfect lives. In community we commit to being there for one another. In this way we know that we are not alone with our problems. We hope you will join our family and experience God’s welcome.


As a worshiping community and as individuals, we seek  the presence of God who offers to transform our lives and our world through the power of love.


Faith and the Bible

"We witness to Holy Mystery that is Wholly Love.”                                                    (A Song of Faith)

The Bible is the shared standard for our faith, but members are not required to adhere to any particular creed or formulation of doctrine


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